Brinjal-1 medium cut into thin circles
Salt-1 tea spoon
Fat FreeYoghurt-200ml (1 cup)
Vegetable oil-2table spoon, for frying
Parsley or Dill leaves-3table spoon
1-Place yoghurt in a medium bowl, add salt, garlic, 2 table spoon parsley or dill leaves and mix well and keep aside.
2-Slice Brinjal into thin circles.
3-Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large non stick frying pan and fry brinjal slices on medium heat until slightly brown and crisp.
4-Tansfer fried brinjal slices on an absorbent paper to soak any oil. Lay the brinjal slices in a serving dish and top with yoghurt mixture. Garnish with left over parsley or dill leaves and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
5- Serve Chilled decorated with fried Kuboos.
This goes to Pooja's "Vegetable Of the Week - Brinjal".